
How to disable incognito on chrome
How to disable incognito on chrome

how to disable incognito on chrome

When you type in the command, simply change the “–integer 1” value to “–integer 0” at the end of the command line (as shown in the last line of the screenshot above). To re-enable the Incognito Mode, follow the steps above, with just one difference. When you open Google Chrome, you’ll see there is no New Incognito Window option.

  • Now close the Terminal app and restart your Mac.
  • When Terminal opens, type the following command: defaults write IncognitoModeAvailability -integer 1.
  • how to disable incognito on chrome

  • From the list of available applications, open Terminal.
  • Finally, close the Registry Editor and restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
  • Double-click on the IncognitoModeAvailability entry, change the Value data to 0, and click OK.
  • Open SOFTWARE > Policies >Google > Chrome.
  • From the left menu, double-click Computer to show the available folders and open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
  • Again, press the Windows + R key, type ‘ regedit‘, and then hit Enter.
  • Here’s a quick guide to the required steps. If you want to re-enable the Incognito Mode for your Chrome, simply open the Registry Editor and change the IncognitoModeAvailability value to 0. You will notice that the option New Incognito Window is not available anymore.
  • Close the Registry Editor and restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
  • Double-click IncognitoModeAvailability, change the value to 1, and click OK.
  • Right-click the Chrome folder, click New >DWORD 32-bit Value, and change the entry’s name to ‘ IncognitoModeAvailability‘, no quotations.
  • Right-click Google, click New > Key from the menu, and rename it to Chrome. Again, if you do not see it, you will have to create this one as well.
  • When you open the Google folder, it should contain a folder titled Chrome.
  • Right-click Policies, select New > Key, and then rename it to ‘ Google‘, no quotations.
  • Open the Policies folder and look for a folder titled Google, if you don’t see it you will have to create it.
  • Next, double-click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the menu to the left.
  • Press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run program, type ‘ regedit‘, and then hit Enter.
  • how to disable incognito on chrome

    Unfortunately, there’s no such option, so you will have to resort to some alternative solutions on your Windows machine. It would really come in handy if there was an option to lock its use with a password. If you browse through Google Chrome options, you will notice there is nothing that allows you to disable the Incognito Mode. That is why being able to prevent the use of Incognito Mode is a must. With it, they can use your home computer and access any forbidden internet fruit they want, without you ever knowing about it. But when it comes to your children, especially if they are minors, then the Incognito Mode is not such a great thing.

    How to disable incognito on chrome