
World of warcraft 2.4 3
World of warcraft 2.4 3

world of warcraft 2.4 3

You can also use /targetraid 1 to target next raid member or /target 0 to target the previous raid member (works with all of the above). If /targetenemy, /targetfriend, /targetparty or /targetraid comes without anything else they will use the closest person (aka. targetfriend - only called once per macro targetenemy - only called once per macro Here is a list though i can't promise its all of them: the slash commands bellow will work in TBC. These are getting replaced with slash commands that you can use, aka. Switching action bars in combat won't be programatically possible without user interaction. I don't remember all of them on top of my head, but here are some of them, namely pet macros: Several other functions has also been disabled when the character is in combat. CastSpellByName won't be able to be called in combat, and TargetUnit, TargetByName or other similar functions won't be accessable at all both in and out of combat. script if (UnitMana("player")>54) then CastSpellByName("Heroic Strike") end This means that a macro like the one below: In TBC macros won't be able to target Units or cast spells using the scripting interface when initiating.

world of warcraft 2.4 3

In TBC a new macro system is being introduced to wow with new restrictions and also possibilities.

World of warcraft 2.4 3