
Sto breen absolute zero
Sto breen absolute zero

The Chel Grett Warship is more or less a high end escort-vessel. I stuck with my task, and so it is that I now own what is undeniably the coolest ship in Starfleet. A high price, perhaps, but rather cheaper than any equivalent Admiral ship. 25 day’s worth of Q’s autographed pictures were needed for my own Breen Chel Grett Warship. Less painful was my daily trip around Q’s icetrack. Failure would have meant it would sit in a project slot until next Christmas, preventing any other decorations from being queued. A modest task for an active fleet, it was a race against time for me to get this done before the end of the winter event. I mostly gathered them through doing the Christmas duty officer missions, but an fair amount of snowman fighting and snowball digging needed doing as well. The starbase hologram project took 250 of each of the Q’s Wonderland resources. I am proud, and incredibly relieved, to say I managed to complete both tasks today. Simultaneously, I was also trying to earn our fleet a Chel Grett hologram for our Starbase. I did a little video a few weeks ago about how I was working towards earning the Breen Chel Grett Warship in Star Trek Online.

Sto breen absolute zero